=== WP Tree Pro === Contributors: wp-buy Tags: wp tree, tree, family tree, organizational tree, website map, site map, map, posts tree, pages tree Requires at least: 3.9 Tested up to: 5.2.3 Stable tag: Version: 4.1 License: GPLv2 or later License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html WP tree is an awesome WordPress plug-in to add a tree view of all pages & custom posts.. == Description == WP Tree is a comprehensive plugin to creat website map & to manage organisational structure in horizontal view and hierarchical view == Installation == 1. remove the old package (the demo version) 2. Download the package. 3. Extract the contents of .zip folder to wp-content/plugins/ folder or upload it using your pligins page > add new > upload 4. Activate the Plugin. 5. Go to your main menu > GIGA slider. Thanks! == Basic Features: == - Horizontal Tree : - Option for create multiple tree view - Dynamically create your website tree for all posts & categories - Show/hide a particular branch of the tree by clicking on the show hide icon - Highlight a particular branch of the tree by clicking on the highlight icon - Draw lines between nodes with animation on page load event - Fully customized and easy to understand - Option for add multiple field in node - Drag-and-drop functionality for re-organisation of elements - Ajax based add, edit, delete functionality - Full support and complete documentation - Vertical Tree : - Dynamically create your website tree for all posts & categories - Ability to exclude any post or category - Ability to hide/show post & category thumbnail - Ajax loading - Fully customized and easy to use == Changelog == 4.1 1. Bug fixing in the plugin activation 2. enable error log 3.9 1. adding the ability to display node totals 3.8 1. Bug fixing in folders icons 3.7 1. Adding the ability to insert the new posts in the tree without re-creating it 2. adding the ability to sort the data (asc or desc) 3.6 1. Bug fixing update checker 3.5 1. Bug fixing in vertical tree 2. bug fixing in duplicate tree in multi site 3.4 1. bug fixing in responsive 2. bug fixing in duplicate tree 3.3 1. bug fixing in the vertical tree 2. adding the ability to duplicate tree 3.2 1. Bug fixing in vertical tree 2. Adding new feature to auto add new pages without re-creating the tree 3. add new option for font size 4. use responsive container 5. add the ability to hide/show nodes 6. PHP 7.x bug fixing 3.1 Bug fixing in image uploading Bug fixing in vertical tree Enable Drag-and-drop functionality for re-organization of elements Adding new nodes inside the tree Bug fixing in vertical tree Bugs fixing fixing saving issue 1. Bug Fixing in the plugin menu 1. Initial version