Value chain analysis of grain legumes in East and Southern Africa
In 2012, Africa RISING funded an ‘early win’ project in eastern and southern Africa led by the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA).
The objective of the proposed project is to support the development of Africa RISING research-for-development project through building partnerships and mobilizing stakeholders in the short term to conduct value chain analyses.
The outputs will be:
- Production and marketing of grain legumes by geographical area and trends mapped and quantified
- End-use markets, structure and dynamics of grain legume value chains mapped and opportunities and constraints on exploiting opportunities identified
- Best bet system components of technologies for intensification of grain legume crops that are ready to go into identified agro-ecological zones mapped and catalogued
- Key actors and networks to support the shift to sustainable intensification through grain legumes and points of leverage for targeting research investments to have large-scale impact determined
- Key stakeholders for innovation platforms galvanized and strategies developed to improve performance of value chains and investments for upgrading the value chains determined.
Download the project proposal / view all outputs of the project
More ‘early win’ projects
The Africa RISING program comprises three linked research-for-development projects, funded by the USAID Feed the Future Initiative, and aiming to sustainably intensify mixed farming systems in West Africa (Southern Mali and Northern Ghana), the Ethiopian Highlands and East and Southern Africa (Tanzania, Zambia and Malawi).
To produce some short-term outputs and to support the longer term objectives of the projects, in 2012 Africa RISING funded several small, short-term projects in each of the regions. More information.