


DSC05574 (2)The Africa RISING project in the Ethiopian highlands was recently named one of the winners of the collaborating, learning and adapting (CLA) competition sponsored by USAID.
The award is intended to demonstrate the value of systematically and intentionally leveraging CLA approaches for better development results.
Representing the project at the award event, Simret Yasabu, Africa RISING research communication specialist noted how important it is to use a variety of tools to make sure partnership and collaboration are exercised at their best in a complex project like Africa RISING.
Read the full Africa RISING story
Related news on the competition
About the CLA competition
Collaborating, learning, and adapting have long been a part of USAID’s work. USAID staff and implementing partners have always sought ways to better understand the development process and USAID’s contribution to it, to collaborate in order to speed and deepen results, to share the successes and lessons of USAID’s initiatives, and to institute improvements to programs and operations. The CLA Case Competition was open to all types of individuals and organizations working with USAID, from any country. Participants had the opportunity to promote their work and contribute to good practice that advances our understanding of collaborating, learning, and adapting in action.


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fitsum kebede
May 23, 2016, 1:29 pm
me and my friends,are working on a project as our country Ethiopia is rising also the parking system of the country needs to be analyzed so using small areas positioning the cars is one system in other countries.the system will increase productivity,decrease accidents and crowdedness.

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