Africa RISING learning event kicks off in Addis Ababa
On 24 September 2013, the first Africa RISING learning event kicked off at the ILRI campus in Ethiopia. The annual learning event aims to: facilitate learning from ongoing program-wide activities (research framework, M and E, Communications etc.); build on project-specific methods, approaches and problems as well as interesting innovations, approaches; discuss specific sub-themes in more detail and prioritize program activities for the next 12 months.
(Image credit: ILRI/Apollo Habtamu)
The first day of the event focused on the overall understanding of the Projects and the three Africa RISING projects in West Africa, East Africa and the Ethiopian highlands.
The morning session also featured a chatshow where panelists where asked if they think sustainable intensification is the most promising pathway to transform African agriculture.
There was also a discussion on the four Africa RISING research outputs as well as the tools and approaches used by the three Africa RISING projects in West Africa, East and Southern Africa and the Ethiopian highlands.
Around 70 participants are attending the event representing Africa RISING projects in West Africa, East and Southern Africa, the Ethiopian highlands and global partners.
Information and notes are available at
Photos from the event
Presentations from the event