


From 23-25 January 2013, the West Africa project component of the Africa RISING program hosted a number of consultations in Accra, Ghana – a stakeholder meeting on 23 January then a West Africa steering committee meeting on 24 January. Alongside these, the first Program Coordination Committee meeting was held on 25 January.

Africa RISING West Africa Stakeholder meeting group (credit: IITA/K. Lopez)
Africa RISING West Africa Stakeholder meeting group (credit: IITA/K. Lopez)

The purpose of these consultations was to gather feedback from key project parties and partners to ensure that the plans developed in the October 2012 review and planning meeting were relevant and on track, as well as to discuss broader program activities which can influence the course of the program.
The stakeholder meeting brought together 35 participants spanning project staff (CGIAR centres and national agricultural research specialists), funding agencies, implementing non-governmental organizations etc.
The West Africa steering committee meeting looked into the project management structure, communication plan for 2013 and other upcoming activities.
Following this series of workshops, the work plans will be finalized and activities will be implemented, effectively kick-starting the full Africa RISING program in the West Africa region.
The next time these stakeholders come together, it will be to review effective progress made and see if these plans produced results; and indeed if Africa RISING partners are sufficiently part and parcel of the program activities.

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