


To focus project activities, we want to identify a small number of representative research locations that capture this gradient of intensification. Whilst many GIS layers of information are available that can be superimposed to guide site selection, a few key dimensions need to be identified. These will be used in a “live GIS” process during the workshop to finalise site selection.
Comment on these questions:

  • What would you consider the key determinants of intensification that could be mapped to give a gradient of sites at different levels?
  •  Do you have information on where these data may be sourced?

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Key determinants of intensification that could be mapped: the potential role and importance of both crop and livestock should be clearly identified and balnced. As in some areas crops are more important than livestock and feed production and intensification in these areas might be underutilized.
An approach we are considering for CRP3.7 on livestock and fish is in addition to the biophysical factors, use market access measures to capture three main situations for intensification that will require different solutions. The 1st domain would be peri-urban zones producing for urban consumption; the 2nd would be rural zones also linked to urban demand sinks, and finally 3rd, rural zones producing largely for local consumption (though there would still likely be some trade going elsewhere, esp. for grains). Access to services and inputs, and market incentives vary across these situations, and influence the feasibility and likelihood of uptake of new technologies and intensification strategies.
Could we use the following proxies for "intensification" - yields - use of inputs - livestock density - human population density Any other ideas?
Research locations across gradients could be selected based on: -Human population density -Percentage of food insecure households -Extent of land degradation -Degree of development of value chains -Prevalence od crop-livestock sysstems as land use I think there are ample data sources for Ethiopia from CGIARs, European projects (e.g., Germany, The Netherlands). etc.
January 26, 2012, 1:14 pm
Access to services and market, peri urban and urban population, demand for crop and livestock products
Overlaying livestock domain areas with crop domain areas should give us some directions. Tom and others already gave some suggestions. One can also look at the desired livestock commodities (fluid milk - urban/peri urban: local butter (mainly rural system): beef (does not necessary have to be near markets -as long as transport can be arranged), sheep/goat (same). To have an idea about the livestock value of a crop we could look at quantity of crop residue (acreage X residue) in a geographic locations times quality crop residue (protein, digestibility,other?). Those sites with high animal densities and high crop residue desensitizes could be examined further together with other criteria such as access to services, presence of operational and/or planned projects. The latter can help in creating synergies with development activities and logistically (office/transport etc). Areas with high crop residue densities next to areas with high livestock densities could also be examined, since they may be linked.
It may be important to look at what are the minimal requirements for sustainable intensification and select sites that have potential for growth in this area. It would mean not only looking at infrastructure, resources, and markets, but also community readiness for the transition.
Ibrahim Ahmed
February 7, 2012, 10:05 pm
it was excllen at atime when the idea shaering is onlne even if we not particpated the main ideas drived by participant is agood my comment i have is the name of the project is only refers to high lands as the the maine insecured area were lowlands and as well pastoral area why researche project ignores these area even by name indicated

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